YOUR path to least resistance


Tired of yo-yo dieting and trying every new fad diet that pops up only to spend loads of money with empty results? Frustrated with relationships that seem either one sided or fall short of fulfillment or maybe you’re career path is less than satisfying and each day it takes more energy than you can muster up to do your best? Do you feel like there is less and less time in your life when you feel relaxed and you continue to go through the motions day after day just waiting for something to give?   Can I get a “hell yeah!”

In the world of business entrepreneurs are individuals who have a common mindset, they create solutions for problems. They start businesses because they can solve a problem.  They take risks, they are courageous and they are motivated not by success but by fear of failure.  No entrepreneur ever said “I’m going to try this and I hope that it works”.  They create and lead teams to support their vision, they refine what’s working and what’s not so they can build a sustainable company.  Sound familiar? It’s you and your life is your business.

There comes a time when you become the employer instead of the employee in your own life. You start listening to your own instincts and intuition, you surround yourself more with supportive people and then you look at what’s working and what’s not so that you can create your own solutions for your own problems.

Too often we adopt the “I want what she’s having” syndrome, if it works for someone else then it will work for me and what we forget is that everybody is different and the most sustainable solution of all is the one we create for ourselves. When we adopt another person’s solution and it fails us we then blame ourselves, telling ourselves that we are not strong because we did not succeed as the other person had and we beat ourselves up to eventually deplete what little self-esteem we have left.

There was a time when I was feeling worn-out, defeated and even a little sorry for myself when one day i was told by someone whom I was complaining to that “hope is not a strategy” and it was then that I realized that i needed to start creating my own solutions.  I had to create a plan that i owned as my own with solutions that only i was in control of.

If you expect the people in your life and the world around to make you better then your screwed so I urge you to take time to sit quietly and process your thoughts and make an honest plan by asking yourself:

  • What are 3 immediate actions that I will add into my day starting today? (drink more water, journal gratitude, meditate, move more,etc.)
  • What are 3 goals that I will achieve in 30 days? (continue to drink more water, journal gratitude daily, meditate, move more, etc.)
  • When I accomplish these goals how will I feel?

Thee highest levels of performance come to people who are centered, intuitive, creative, and reflective – people who know to see a problem as an opportunity. Deepak Chopra